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Money Healing Workshop

Money healing worshop by Judy Solomon

997 kr.

240 min

Healing our money wounds is the first step to building long-term wealth and true financial confidence, but getting to the emotional root of our money problems is key to getting the clarity we need to change!

Are you tired of putting your dreams on hold, because of not having money?

Are you tired of being in a chronic depth? Or are you just tired of feeling broke no matter how much you earn, because it just keeps on slipping away???

Are you tired of not having the extra money you need for self care, your loved ones or holidays?

 Imagine ... What would your life look like, if you knew how to heal your money wounds, and knew EXACTLY how to create healthy relationships with money? You don't have to imagine it, you can heal your money story in this workshop… 

During our time together, you’ll discover:

Which of the 8 distinct money types you fall into — and as a result, which path to healthy relationship with money you should pursue.

How to clear the blocks of anxiety, fear, shame, and frustration you have around money — and instead let trust guide your money, life purpose, and relationships

How to expand your own money container so it feels perfectly comfortable — and how to invite money into your life


Check out our availability to book your spot and I hope to see you there 

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