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Sound meditation at Himmelstorm festival by Judy Solomon

150 kr.

120 min

Sound meditation circle by Judy Solomon
Sound meditation workshop at SMK- Statens Museum For Kunst by Judy Solomon

Sound Meditation Workshop

Do you know anyone – could be yourself, a friend or someone at work – who used to or still is:

  • Have difficulty expressing yourself and fear of speaking in public?

  • Holding yourself back because of fearing rejection every time you want to express your true feelings?

  • Have the desire to sing and use your voice freely but judgement and criticism from self and others is restricting you?

There can be many reason why people feel shy and uncomfortable to use their voices when it comes to singing or chanting, eventhough we have being using our voice since the moment we came out from our mothers wounb. In fact we use it all the time when we speak, express ourselves and communicate our ideas out.


For many of us it can be that we were told to be quiet as children by well meaning adults who try to discipline us or maybe we were told that we couldn’t sing…But that shouldn’t stop us from expressing and releasing everything that is restricting and holding us back from expressing ourselves fully and from living our truth in every moment.


Our voice is the mirror of our inner world and it is as unique as our fingerprint. You can say that, it is a cellular print of who we are. Because it reveals our emotions, experience, dreams and desires.

If you want to discover and intuitively express the untapped potential that lies in your voice, join this workshop.

During the workshop, I will guide you through different sound meditation techniques from the Soul Voice® method to help you explore and discover the power and wisdom that lies in your voice.


It is a creative sound work from the Soul Voice® method. It is a form of singing, although it doesn’t require any melody, rhythm or lyric and you don’t need to hit the perfect note or sing on a key.

This sound meditation session will enable you to use your voice as a healing tool and empower you:

  • To express all that you’ve held back from saying or feeling.

  • Release tension, stress, selv doubt, shame and blame

  • Increase clarity, creativity, self confidence, freedom and happiness.

  • Reconnect with your authentic self, trust your intuition and welcome your sounds with ease.

Sound meditation is an ancient meditation technique used by shamans to obtain a dream state of mind. Sound meditation means meditating with our natural voice and finding silence beyond the chattering mind.


As a closure of our sound meditation, I offer you a collective sound healing where the participant lays down, receives and integrates the sound meditation.

Check out our availability and book the date and time that works for you!

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